Cultural and Linguistic Shifts in the 21st Century
International conference in Krosno, Poland
3-4 June 2019
Stanisław Pigoń State College in Krosno, Poland
Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Philology, Krakow, Poland
Pedagogical University, Kraków, Poland
School of Communication, East Carolina University, USA
Intercultural encounters accompanying the movement of individuals and groups receive a variety of expressions and call for a debate in an interdisciplinary context. The conference aims at investigating aspects of culture, language, media and literature in the context of a world made more mobile than ever before.
The organizers of the conference wish to invite scholars in humanities and social sciences, esp. literature, linguistics, communication, folkloristics, media, cultural studies, humour studies, translation and interpreting, teaching methodology, to a discussion on the broad subject of cultural neighbourhood, especially related to:
* minority cultures and literature, migration and narration, the Other, autobiography and identity
* communication styles, pragmatics of intercultural communication, communication in institutions, folkloric communication, ethnolinguistics
* humour and irony in cultural context
* cross-cultural aspects of translation and (language) teaching, English as an international lingua franca, language contacts, culture and the teaching of languages, global learning, innovation in education
* images/discussions of culture in news media (print, broadcast and electronic)
* contemporary culture and media, images of culture/groups in media, transnational / transmedial cultural texts, cultural and linguistic globalization / localization
Other thematic sessions, including at least three papers are welcome. Please contact conference organizers by 30 January 2019.
Here are the links to the conference information
General conference website:
Conference languages: English (preferable), Russian and German. In case of Russian and German, extensive summaries in English are required.
Positively reviewed papers will be published in a conference proceedings volume (in English). Publication of papers in thematic sessions will be considered for publishing in an international journal.
Confirmed plenary speakers:
Prof. Grzegorz Przebinda, Krosno State College, Poland
Dr Linda Kean, East Carolina University, USA
Paper proposals with abstracts (300 words) should be sent by using the online form on the conference webpage.
Papers should not exceed 20 minutes in presentation.
Abstract submission deadline: 30th January 2019.
Conference fee 400 PLN (100 EUR)
Reduced fee: 300 PLN (70 EUR) (doctoral students)
The conference fee covers: conference materials, coffee breaks, conference dinner, publication of the proceedings.
Prof. Grzegorz Przebinda, Rector, Krosno State College, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Dr. Władysław Chłopicki, Krosno State College, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Dr. Bartosz Gołąbek, Krosno State College, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Dr. Linda Kean, East Carolina University, USA
Prof. Fritz König, Krosno State College
Charles Twardy, East Carolina University, USA, Krosno State College, Poland
Prof. Alicja Witalisz, Krosno State State College, Pedagogical University, Kraków
Prof. Władysław Witalisz, Krosno State College, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Recommended hotels in Krosno:
Portius Hotel (the price app. 50 EUR per night)
Pokoje Karpackie (20-30 EUR a night, limited availability)
Hotel Nafta (app. 60 EUR a night)
The conference venue can be reached by bus from Kraków (2,5 hours, app. 7 EUR) or Rzeszów (1 hour, app. 3 EUR), if arriving by plane to these destinations. Krosno is also easily available by road from the Ukraine, Slovakia and Czech Republic.
Dr Ewa Rusek, Conference Secretary
PWSZ w Krośnie
Rynek 1
38-400 Krosno, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]